Monday, February 3, 2014

Taylor and No hablo ingles…

 My mother-in-law does not speak English. Her youngest son is four years old.   He has been classified as being on the autism spectrum. He has gone through an early intervention program as well as  ABA therapy. It is incredible to see how much progress he has made in the last two years.  I can’t help but think that his progress would be even greater if his mom spoke English. I don’t mind that she doesn’t speak that much English, however, I do think that if she did speak English she could work with her son more. He speaks both English and Spanish, however, when he goes to say, “Can I please have that?”, or “I do not want that” he will say “ I want, I want”, or “NO, NO, NO” because that’s what his mom has the ability to say.

I think it would be a good idea if there were an after school program for parents who do not speak English so that they might learn nursery rhymes the students might be learning in school or how to properly say basic phrases in order to  help their children progress in their non-native language. Colors, numbers, songs, rhymes, and book titles could all be learned, which would benefit both parent and child. Just a meeting once a week with a teacher who speaks a different language or with a translator could make a world of difference.  During these meeting times news letter and class events could be gone over as well.    My young brother-in-law was singing the “Itsy Bitsy Spider” and his mom had no idea what the song was or what he was saying, because it was in English.   

I’m not sure this would even be considered by school officials, but I think it could help.  What do you think of such a program?  Should school officials consider establishing such a program?    Would you be willing to work in a program for parents during after school hours?  Do you think such a program would benefit both the parents and students, or is this just another “Change the World Daydream” of mine?    Let us know your thoughts.    


  1. I think that a program like this would be a great idea. I think it should be considered because it would benefit the student as the student is trying to learn as well as improve parent-teacher communications. I feel that this type of program would especially benefit students with disabilities or students in the special education program. It is harder to help these students progress and grow at home when the parents do not speak English. Just like Taylor mentioned with the song the "Itsy Bitsy Spider." If the parents had an after school program that could introduce and teach them English, then the parents would know what their students are learning and would even be able to help. This would help reinforce what the students are learning at school and allow them to grow outside of school. I feel that such a program would benefit both the parents and students. I would be willing to work in such a program. The only problem is that most parents work and some might not have the time to attend a program like this. Overall, I think this is a great idea to provide families with the ability to learn English if they do not speak it.

  2. Having a program that can help parents learn English is something that would truly benefit everyone in the school community. First, a program like this will benefit the students as their parents would be able to support their learning at home. Second, the parents would benefit in the fact that they can help teach their child by participating in their homework, field trips, and other school activities as they would be able to understanding what is going on around them. Once parents begin to learn and use the language they will begin to feel more comfortable and in turn, that conformability will shine through to their child. Third, the teacher and the school will benefit from the parents learning English as it will help in the parent-teacher or parent-school communication. This will also help the school and the teachers because they will gain a lot of insight on how different ethnic groups live and the morals they may have that are different from what we know. Last, this program will benefit the community as these parents will feel more comfortable in participating in community events. In all, I believe that a program like this would benefit everyone involved as all the relationships will help in creating a positive learning environment for the student(s).
    I am unsure as if school officials would consider establishing such a program because of money. Almost everything in our schools today relies on cost. With having this program schools would have to figure out how to compensate the teachers whom are teaching this program and decide if this program would be free of charge to those parents whom attend.
    Last, I would most defiantly be willing to participate in teaching this type of program. I believe a course like this would be beneficial to me, the parents, the students, my school, and the community. One dream of mine is to teach English abroad in Peru. I have always been fascinating with learning about foreign places and would love to be able to do a program like that here. I do not believe that this is just another “change the world daydream”, I believe this is a reality in our schools today. With having a program to teach parents English, it will help in all aspects of our students’ lives and that is what school is about.

  3. I think this type of program would be a great thing. There are so many instances where teachers are unable to get in touch and communicate with parents because they don’t speak much English. I think this would be extremely beneficial for teachers, parents, and students. Parents would be given a chance to learn and with that knowledge they would be able to participate in their child’s education. They would be able to help their child with homework and school related things. A program like this would open many doors for communication. I’m not sure if this would be considered in schools due to money but I do think this would be a wonderful thing for everyone.

  4. School officials should definitely consider this program for it would be a great benefit for both parents and their children. As a child of two immigrant parents, I would be able to relate to this program and I feel as though if this program were available during my childhood, it would have helped me a lot. I would want other families to be given this opportunity and I would volunteer to teach these lessons. This program would give parents the opportunity to see what their child is learning in the classroom. Not only does this program inform parents, but it may also help break down the communication barrier as well. Although this idea may not appeal to some because of their busy schedules, others at least have the chance to learn something about their child’s education. Parents do not necessarily need to attend every session, but when they do attend a session, they will gain a better understanding of the culture of a classroom. With this deeper understanding, parents might be able to use what information they learned in the classroom and apply these lessons at home. They can learn to incorporate both cultures and languages in the household. This type of practice can possibly help their child succeed in school. Not only will the child benefit from this program, but so will their parents.

  5. I definitely think programs like this would be a great idea! People are always complaining about non-English speakers in America, but what they don't realize is they came to this country speaking the only language they know and there is no one here helping them learn English. Programs like this would be beneficial because it would help non-English speaking people speak English. It's already difficult for an English speaking parent to communicate with their autistic child, so I can't even imagine how difficult it must be for a Spanish speaking mother to communicate with her autistic child. Giving parents an opportunity to learn essential English sayings and words could bridge their communication gap significantly!

  6. I think this after school program would be very helpful for parents as well as students. I think that parents need to speak proper English in order to help their children speak proper otherwise it is better for parents to speak in their native language only. I can to the United States when I was six and my ESL teacher told my parents to only speak to me in my native language because that was the language they knew and if they spoke to me in English my language would then be broken just like my parents. She told my parents that she will do her job and make sure that I would speak English fluently and surely today here I am finishing College and ready to be a teacher myself.

  7. Personally, I think this is a great idea. Why wouldn't you want to create a program for families to become more involved in not only their children's lives but the community? When we look at New Jersey, Hispanics make up the largest minority population in the state with 18%. I like the idea of starting a program in every school that meets in the morning over coffee and muffins and the teachers/admin. discuss what's going on in the school and then individually what each classroom is doing. As we all know, funding for such a program would be the issue but I think it would be money very well spent.

  8. I think that a school program for parents whose first language is not English is a wonderful idea. The situation with your young brother-in-law going home and not being able to practice the language and skills he learned at school can be compared to a child with a behavior intervention plan that is strictly and precisely enforced during school hours, but then never enforced at home. The student who follows a well-thought-out, meaningful behavior management plan in school but then is allowed to do whatever he pleases when he goes home including engaging in behaviors that counter the behaviors that are being reinforced during school hours will probably never truly make any behavioral progress. Similarly, if a student is learning English in school and being taught to use particular phrases and pronunciations, but then goes home and engages in conversation with family members using language and pronunciation that contradicts what he or she practiced during school hours, the student likely will not progress in learning English at an acceptable ate.
    I think that all children with parents who are not fluent in English would benefit from having their parents attend a program for English Languages learners. A program like this would be something that parents and children who are both experiencing English for the first time can share and use as a bonding opportunity. I believe that any time that parents are involved in their child’s school, the child benefits. If parents experience lessons in English in the same building and environment where their child goes to school every day, the parent will gain a deep understanding of the child’s everyday instructional struggles and triumphs and offer a sense of informed support for the child.
    kimberly russomanno

  9. I think that a school program for parents and guardians whose first language is not English is a great idea. There are so many children in todays schools whose parents do not speak English. This certainly takes a toll not only on the school and parent but the child. If their parents have difficulty or do not speak english at all, they are not able to help with homework, or study for tests. There are also many translators who have to be hired for parent teacher meetings and sometimes if they are not available they have to reschedule the meeting ( which I have seen in my school ). This will really be beneficial for the parents and for the district as well. This would certainly be an expense well spent because in the end it only will promote good.
